If you use the KitaakeX mutant population for your research, please cite:
Li G., Jain R., Chern M., Pham N.T., Martin J.A., Wei T., Schackwitz W.S., Lipzen A.M., Duong P.Q., Jones K.C., Jiang L., Ruan D., Bauer D., Peng Y., Barry K.W., Schmutz J., Ronald P.C. (2017). The Sequences of 1,504 Mutants in the Model Rice Variety Kitaake Facilitate Rapid Functional Genomic Studies. The Plant Cell tpc.00154.2017
and if you use the KitaakeX genome data for your research please cite:
Jain R., Jenkins J., Shu S., Chern M., Martin J.A., Copetti D., Duong P. Q., Pham N. T., Kudrna D. A., Talag J., Schackwitz W. S., Lipzen A. M., Dilworth D., Bauer D., Grimwood J., Nelson C. R., Xing F., Xie W., Barry K. W., Wing R. A., Schmutz J., Li G., Ronald P. C.(2019). Genome sequence of the model rice variety KitaakeX. BMC Genomics 20, 905 (2019) doi:10.1186/s12864-019-6262-4